- Details
- Northampton Chamber of Commerce
- About Northampton Chamber of Commerce
- 4699
Downtown Shopping in Conway, Jackson, Garysburg, Gaston, Lasker, Seaboard, Severn,Woodland, Rich Square.
Downtown Shopping in Conway, Jackson, Garysburg, Gaston, Lasker, Seaboard, Severn,Woodland, Rich Square.
Municipalities (per $100.00)
Municipalities Zoning Status
The Northampton County School System has five elementary schools (grades PK-5), two middle schools (grades 6-8), two high schools (grades 9-12)and one alternative school (grades 6-12) with a total student population of approximately 2850.
The School Uniform Policy was implemented in the elementary and middle schools during the 2006-2007 school year. The high schools began using the uniform policy during the following school year of 2007-2008. It has been an effective tool in improving discipline and developing personal pride for the students.
Northampton County Schools Transportation Department has up to 64 buses safely transporting approximately 2000 students daily.
The Child Nutrition Department of Northampton County Schools is one of the few in North Carolina to be awarded a USDA grant for the past three years to support the “ Fresh Fruits & Vegetables” program. It’s the largest “Restaurant” in the County.
Northampton County Schools has implemented the Reading First program in all elementary schools with a Reading First Coach located at each school.
For more information, please visit the Northampton County Schools website www.northampton.k12.nc.us
Located in the northern Coastal Plain along the Virginia border, Northampton County was formed in 1741 from a division of Bertie County after settlers migrated to this part of the Albemarle precinct in the early eighteenth century.
Hertford County lies to the east, Bertie County to the south, Halifax County to the south and west, and Warren County to the west. The Roanoke River runs northwest to southwest along the southern border of the county, and the Meherrin River forms a portion of the eastern boundary. These two navigable rivers have been instrumental in the social and economic development of the county, influencing settlement and transportation patterns.
The county seat was established in roughly the center of the county and was known originally as Northampton Courthouse. When the community was incorporated in 1823, the county seat was renamed Jackson in honor of Andrew Jackson.
Our chamber receives numerous informational requests each year and these requests are referred to our members.
We work with Economic Development to help bring new business and industry to the area.
Quarterly we have an after hours session with a guest speaker and an opportunity for members to network socialize.
Your cards and brochures are displayed in the chamber office and are available to visitors.
You will receive a plaque identifying you as a member.
The newsletter provides information about chamber events and activities.
Your business information is listed on our website, northamptonchamber.org. We will link your web site to ours for a small fee. The chamber receives an average of 40,000 hits per month on our site.
We will help you with these events by helping you plan the event, send out invitations and contacting the media.
This will allow you to showcase your business. The Expo will increase recognition and business exposure.